A letter from my future self.

A Letter from My Future Self

(I decided to share with all of you a personal letter that I wrote to myself, maybe it inspires you to write one for yourself too in times of disbelief.)

P.s. I felt better after writting it.

Dear Isa,

Stop judging, being so harsh on you. From heart, sincerely, I just hope you learn to truly love and trust yourself. I hope you learn your power and live your power. There is nothing wrong with you. This image of yourself that you have been keeping as a preserved flower, just destroy it for once and reborn: live. 

If what makes you happy is pressing flowers, collecting antiquities, loving your cats and books, there is nothing wrong. If this is more important than have the most successful job career, it’s ok. You have nothing to prove here. You have nothing to prove to your mother nor to your father. You are here to live fully, to smile, to spread what you believe is your truth. So respect yourself and let the flames of your desires consume you to the bones. Bury and unbury yourself as many times you need until there is nothing left to reborn. Caress your curls, caress yourself. Smile, be present, smile in sadness, have faith, understand that everything happened for a reason. And if, one day, you are left alone, understand that you don’t need anyone to complete you, you alone already are everything. 

Learn your meaning, learn to listen the voices of trees as you learn to listen your soul. This voice can guide you, she knows better than anyone who you truly are. Learn your power, live your power. Forget the others, forget all the bubbling voices that tell you are not capable inside and outside your head, let them go: vanish. Have faith again. Pursue your truth, and again, have faith, because this is not a easy path!

Dear soul, your are not alone when you believe you are, I am here!!! I always have been here, always looking at you from the future to the past, always … from the eternity, always sending you love, supporting you, believing and listening your joys and sorrows. Have faith, I’m here. 

Praying and Pressing Flowers

I am not a religious person, but lately this pray of Saint Francis makes sense, feels like a true tonic for my soul.

Sometimes, I feel anxious and in pain, and it really helps to be honest with my feelings, to accept them and let them go through forgiveness.

So, when you feel discouraged, please give it a try. Pray and make something that nourishes your all being. For me, lately, besides praying is pressing flowers. And you, what are your tonics for the soul?
Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Speaking Through Flowers

I write and express myself with flowers…

Lately, I wander as true wanderer by the riverbank, by the fields collecting flowers — wildflowers, because they are humble and raw… I seek simplicity, honesty, rawness and find it not in mankind but always in flowers.


This winter, this rain, a cup of tea and letters from gone days: this is my January.

Old Letters, a never-ending collection. Reading them is like time traveling, and I am nostalgic soul, so I love time travelling.

Here in Portugal, in this small village where I’m currently living in, it is cold, the rain is intense in these last days of January and, here I am, staying mainly at home, reading books, conjecturing about these strange times that we are facing. Since, I am forced to stay at home because of the covid outbreak, I want to look to the bright side of life and do something worth of this spare time: I have many ideas, projects that I want to start like writing again in my blog, a blog that I know many don’t notice… but, who knows, maybe one day someone will stop by.