
The sun is shining these days and I am feeling grateful. Today, I’ve fell in love with so many poems and spoiled myself with a velvety Darjeeling Tea scented with rose. The perfect afternoon, I must say.

O sol tem brilhado e sinto-me grata pela luz que irradia. Hoje, apaixonei-me por tantos poemas escritos nestes livros todos e mimei-me com um aveludado chá Darjeeling perfumado com notas de rosa. Simplesmente perfeito. –

The Rose Garden

Tuesday, 5th of June 2018

June, red roses bloomed to rest peacefully, one by one, under my eyes. And you, my love? Where have you been? Would you be fully merry to see them as I do in this very moment? I can’t hear your voice neither your answer, but, in secret, I will linger, hover and wait for you in this endless garden of roses.


Silence and New Dreams

Wednesday, 7th of February 2018

The new year begun and already a month flew by, now it’s February and I am enjoying the silence that travels through my flat’s walls. There is an empty room since my grandma left to live in a retirement house and, for the first time in years, I am experiencing the bliss of solitude (not that I didn’t enjoy her company, but one must accept the life changes and see the big picture, instead of always focusing in details).




I have set new goals for 2018, as I always do, and one of them is to redecorate my grandma’s old room. I am already starting to pick some paper ephemera and postcards from my collection to display on the wall. When I am finished I will share the result with all of you!


A feeling that I cannot silence

Tuesday, 21st of November 2017
I often make these questions to myself: Destiny, do you really exist? Do our souls perpetuate their existence in different bodies, living endlessly life after life? And yet… I haven’t find a precise answer. I just have the unexplainable feeling of belonging to another time and place. A feeling that I cannot silence, that leaves me restless, lost in this present life, in-between everything: unfulfilled.





When I was born
I was nameless
like a water molecule
But right away I was fed vowels mouth-to-mouth
consonants tickled my ears
I was called and
pulled away from the cosmos

I would have loved to lose words
to be a tree singing in the wind
I would have loved to be a cloud from a hundred thousand years ago
I would have loved to be a whale’s song
Now I go back to being nameless
with dirt over my eyes, my ears and my mouth
with stars leading me by the fingers.


For a Friend



Tuesday, 3rd of October 2017

Fall arrived into a disappearing Summer, there is a terminus for everything but I keep going, following the traces left by the angels and the white butterflies. The flowers are withered, rain hasn’t been falling, so they faded, they faded into you. Should I replace the rain with my tears so they can bloom again? So you can be content again? Or should I wait, be hopeful … trust with patient that every terminus will encounter a beginning?


Thursday, 29th of June 2017

Dear Diary, //Let us be credulous that, one day, such joy will meet our way. // I’ve found a memory covered and hidden beneath the forgotten dust of time — and a past moment had unravel before my eyes as it was this very present moment, as it was my true essence.


Dusk it was, a particular moment of the day where this world and the other meet and become one. Where everything converge, twist and takes a shape. Where everything around us is compelling and enticing, where our soul isn’t a prisoner, isn’t contained, but instead disperse and free, connected with that invisible world, where, at once, is moon, light, sun, fortune, glory and hope. Dear Diary, I long for these kindred days.

New Arrivals at my Shop


I love flowers, I think it’s an obvious fact about me by now.  I collect them too, I’ve several dried flowers inside of boxes, books, decorating my walls, in jars, inside of small flasks, and so on.  And like me, many nature nostalgics do the same, so I decided to upload some beautiful and floral themed items in my shop.

The first listing is these floral coasters that you identify right away on my first photo. I found them so soft and delicate – it turns the simple act of drinking tea into a special moment.


These two frames with real dried flowers are so unique too!


And This oval golden frame? It’s so romantic, right? It makes me think of the long gone cluttered victorian houses. I think it brings immediately a cozy and charming atmosphere to every home.


So, if you are curious about these treasures, you are more than welcome to visit my shop. Wishing you all a nice week beginning.

Sewing the holes

I don’t know what to say… April did go really fast for me, did the same happen with you? I thought that I would enjoy deeply every day of this year, and, on the contrary, what I really feel is that everything is slipping through my fingers, speeding up in a way that I can’t even describe what have happen this year, it seems life is just happening in a numb manner … but maybe the antidote for all these emotions flowing through my skin is to do something…


So, in these two days off from work, I decided to pick up all my clothes that were unstitched in some particular spot and had fixed them. At the end, the constant anxiety about life, my bloody worries, all the emotions that I constantly feel, and that can only be translated into more worrying, were gone. I felt that my anxiety was placed with the satisfying feeling of accomplishment.




These small acts of dedication and commitment to something are a good way to find peace, meditate while we are passing the threads trough the clothes fabrics and, a way to respect the environment, because while we fix a piece of cloth — we know that we are reducing the clothing waste, we become aware what we have inside of our wardrobe and we are being productive. Summerly, I hope this post inspires you to do the same and find quietness in your life which is the most imperative.


the right latitude of the castles in the air

Thursday, 16th of March 2017

March, I cut my hair, put some mascara on and I spotted myself in the mirror looking different. After all these lives, will you still recognise me? Will you understand my silent words, will our eyes recognise each other from the very first moment?


 Will we be “Alive to all things and forgetting all.” as Wordsworth said? Will this endless mutability fade with our lips reunite? Here, where the humanity core dwells, one day, we shall reach the right latitude of the castles in the air.