My new Fanzine – Words, Thoughts and Feelings

My first zine filled with my own thoughts and feelings, poetically written and illustrated. Made with love.My first zine filled with my own thoughts and feelings, poetically written and illustrated. Made with love.

An excerpt from my zine: ‘Someone once asked me: “Where do you find contentment when everything fails? I answered: In nature, in all the elevated forms of art and in spirituality.”’

A 12-page zine, color printed with small sketches, diary entries and mix media mediums.

Fanzine com algumas passagens do meu diário, pensamentos e sentimentos escritos de forma poética em inglês.

Ilustrei, passei à máquina de escrever e fiz algumas colagens, no total tem 12 páginas impressas a cor.

Espero que gostem!

Para mais detalhes, por favor consultem a fanzine aqui.

For Puella


I love so much butterflies and seeing my work being caressed by a talented artist is so touching, rewarding and satisfying. Which fanzine that I create/made is one of a kind and although they look very primitive they come from a special place – the heart! Thank you so much Puella, this photo and gesture comforted my heart so deeply and it really brighten up my day!

Discover more from Puella’s work here:

Puella’s Facebook



Lepidoptera Fanzine

Early this morning, preparing a new order. My Zine about butterflies will fly and inhabit a new home.

This is a fanzine about butterflies, little curiosities about these insects are written in a simple way.

A 12-page full color zine. This fanzine has a primitive look, I’ve used rubber stamps, text, media mix collage, (vintage papers, vintage fauna illustrations and etc).

For more informations about it, visit my shop.