For Puella


I love so much butterflies and seeing my work being caressed by a talented artist is so touching, rewarding and satisfying. Which fanzine that I create/made is one of a kind and although they look very primitive they come from a special place – the heart! Thank you so much Puella, this photo and gesture comforted my heart so deeply and it really brighten up my day!

Discover more from Puella’s work here:

Puella’s Facebook




I’ve been worrying about so many things lately and than I stumble across this Epictetus’ quote:
“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”

P.s – In these photos are things that I treasure: books, my butterfly mug, a bird from my dear Vibeke and nature.



Left Unfinished

Do you know that exquisite sensation when you meet someone for the first time, but, deep inside of you, something tells you that in another life and place you already meet her/him? These persons are our kindred souls, old souls that wander in this life and are meant to meet again and live what was left unfinished… So please, be aware that life has an end, so don’t forget to treasure the ones you love the most and show everyday how much you care for them. You won’t regret it, believe me!

In this photo is a letter to the special soul Vibeke and an old tray that I have found broken near to my house, outside of a street litter. I brought it home and fix it, and now it looks precious.



Just Make Something

I’ve been succeed in doing this project that I have idealized in my mind long time ago and I am so happy with the results. Now, I’ve a place to hang beautiful things like old paper ephemera, letters that I am currently writing to my dear pen pals, letters that I’ve received, bouquets with gypsophilas… I’ve placed this frame in my working place, and certainly it will help me to be more creative and inspired by the little treasures that hang there. Our hands are really an amazing gift that the universe offered us… I feel that the reason that we are alive is to create beauty and things that bring us and the ones that we love joy: Small things, the best things…

P.s – Soon will be a video showing how to do this frame, is pretty simple and I don’t even know if I am able to show it, but I will try.



Lepidoptera Fanzine

Early this morning, preparing a new order. My Zine about butterflies will fly and inhabit a new home.

This is a fanzine about butterflies, little curiosities about these insects are written in a simple way.

A 12-page full color zine. This fanzine has a primitive look, I’ve used rubber stamps, text, media mix collage, (vintage papers, vintage fauna illustrations and etc).

For more informations about it, visit my shop.